What we can all do to protect the coastal waters we love

Exotic Caulerpa seaweed is a major threat to our coasts and we need to stop the spread — together.

January 14, 2024
Exotic caulerpa underwater. Photo Credit NIWA
Exotic caulerpa underwater. Photo Credit NIWA

A battle is underway at sea this summer to contain the rapid growing non-native (exotic) caulerpa seaweed.

This pest has been known to be present in upper North Island waters since 2021 when it was foundfor the first time at Aotea Great Barrier Island. Since then, it has been found at Ahuahu Great
Mercury Island, Te Rāwhiti Inlet in Northland, off Kawau Island and at Waiheke Island.
Exotic caulerpa can spread quickly, forming dense mats in some areas, and potentially affecting
native species by competing for space and food.
Biosecurity New Zealand, in partnership with mana whenua, local authorities, Department of
Conservation and local communities is working to manage the situation and is calling on those who
work and play at sea to help stop it spreading.
Exotic caulerpa can move over short distances when it breaks into small pieces, these are then
carried on water currents to new locations.
Exotic caulerpa can move over long distances (this is how it may have arrived in New Zealand)
by getting tangled in vessel anchors and anchor chains, and fishing and diving gear and then being carried to other areas.

Exotic caulerpa caught on anchors a key part of spreading this pest. Photo supplied.
Exotic caulerpa caught on anchors a key part of spreading this pest. Photo supplied.

Some simple actions divers, boaties and fishers can take

There are some simple actions divers, boaties and fishers can take to ensure they don’t move thispest around as they enjoy the waters this summer.
When out on the water, before you move on, check your anchor and chain when you pull it
up, also check and fishing or diving equipment for any attached seaweed.

If you find any seaweed on your gear, remove it and bag it, or contain it securely, so it can’t
get back into the water.

Dispose of it back on shore – in your household rubbish or compost, or in a bin well away
from the sea.

If you can’t do this (securely contain it so it does not get back in the ocean) – put it back into
the waters it came from.

There are legal rules (known as a Controlled Area Notice)

Controlled Area Notice are in place at, Aotea Great Barrier Island,Ahuahu Great Mercury Island and Te Rāwhiti Inlet in the Bay of Islands, Northland.
In these areas there are legal restrictions on anchoring and some fishing activities. Mana whenua
have also placed rāhui in some of these areas with similar restrictions.
Exotic caulerpa has also been found at Waiheke Island around Thompson’s Point and Onetangi Bay, and at Kawau Island at Iris Shoal. While there are no legal controls in place, it is best to keep away from these locations.

Before boating, fishing or diving in these three areas.
Check the Biosecurity New Zealand website for full information on the rules in place:
This web page has the most up to date information including maps of where exotic caulerpa is located, legal controls, rāhui and photos to help you identify it.

We also encourage people to report suspected sightings of exotic caulerpa – either at sea or washed up on the beach.
You can let us know online at report.mpi.govt.nz . Or by phoning 0800 80 99 66.

If it’s on the shore, don’t move it. We’re not asking people to take any beach-cast home for disposal.
Nature will manage this. But we’d still like it to be reported through our phone or web site.

Visit: www.biosecurity.govt.nz/caulerpa

Exotic caulerpa washed ashore. Photo credit Sid Wales Biosecurity New Zealand
Exotic caulerpa washed ashore. Photo credit Sid Wales Biosecurity New Zealand

Remember - Out at sea? See weed? Bag it. Bin it.

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