Throwback to 2018 Wildlife Photographer Of The Year

The people’s choice

July 2, 2024
Warning wings - Mike Harterink, The Netherlands Nikon D200 + 12 – 24mm f1.4 lens at 12mm; 1/8 sec at f22; ISO 100; Seacam housing; two Seacam flashes.
Warning wings - Mike Harterink, The Netherlands Nikon D200 + 12 – 24mm f1.4 lens at 12mm; 1/8 sec at f22; ISO 100; Seacam housing; two Seacam flashes.

Above image. Warning wings - Mike Harterink, The Netherlands

Diving off Blue Bead Hole, St Eustatius, Caribbean, Mike used a slow shutter speed to capture the motion of this ‘flying’ gurnard. The fish’s large pectoral fins are divided into a shorter forward fin with spines, which it uses to ‘walk’ around and to poke the ocean floor for food, and a larger wing-like part. When threatened the fish expands its wings to scare away predators.

The public were given 24 images to choose from out of almost 50,000 submissions from 92 countries

In London’s Natural History Museum’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition, voting has now closed. But the winners will be showcased at the Museum until 28 May 2018. The top five People’s Choice Award images are also on display online at www. wildlifephotographeroftheyear. com joining the 100 strong winning portfolio selected by the judges. Here’s the four underwater photos that made the shortlist, and one other to demonstrate the strength of the competition.

Fujifilm X - T2 + 50/140 mm lens; 1/500 sec at f8; ISO 800
Fujifilm X - T2 + 50/140 mm lens; 1/500 sec at f8; ISO 800

The brothers - Marco Urso, Italy

Millions of salmon spawn each year at Kuril Lake in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, attracting large numbers of brown bears. Rain falling onto the lake added extra atmosphere.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III + 16 – 35mm f4 lens; 1/100 sec at f6.3; ISO 250
Canon EOS 5D Mark III + 16 – 35mm f4 lens; 1/100 sec at f6.3; ISO 250

Elegant mother and calf - Ray Chin, Taiwan

Every year from July to late October southern humpback whales migrate north from their Antarctic feeding grounds to give birth in the warm sheltered waters off Tonga. Ray encountered this humpback mother and calf peacefully floating in the plankton - filled water around the island group of Vava‘u, Tonga. After Ray gently approached them, the giants swam a bit closer to have a look at him. While they made this elegant turn, Ray took the shot. He later converted the image into black and white which he felt represented the simplicity of the scene.

Panasonic Lumix GF1+ Panasonic Lumix 8mm lens; 1/40 sec at f8; ISO 100; two Inon strobes
Panasonic Lumix GF1+ Panasonic Lumix 8mm lens; 1/40 sec at f8; ISO 100; two Inon strobes

Cleaning session - Jordi Chias Pujol, Spain

The protected waters around Carall Bernat, Medes Islands, Spain, and Jordi knows of an area there where sunfish visit in the spring to be cleaned by Mediterranean wrasses. The Sunfish adopt an upright position, signalling they are ready. Jordi was able to take a shot while the wrasses went to work picking off the skin parasites which the sunfish are commonly afflicted with.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III + 16 – 35mm f2.8 lens; 1/160 sec at f5; ISO 640; Aquatica housing; Aquatica glass megadome.
Canon EOS 5D Mark III + 16 – 35mm f2.8 lens; 1/160 sec at f5; ISO 640; Aquatica housing; Aquatica glass megadome.

Hammerhead - Adriana Basques, Brazil/USA

Scalloped hammerhead sharks are generally found in the deep waters off Cocos Island, Costa Rica, where the currents are often fierce and the visibility unpredictable. This particular shark stayed just long enough for Adriana to capture a full frame with a school of cottonmouths in the background.

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