Hawkes Bay - Shellfish poisoning warning

MPI has issued a public health warning against collecting shellfish along the Hawkes Bay coastline between Cape Kidnappers and the Mohaka River.

November 1, 2023

New Zealand Food Safety is advising the public not to collect or consume shellfish gathered from Hawke Bay due to the presence of toxins.

"Routine tests on mussels from Pania Reef in Napier have shown levels of paralytic shellfish toxins over the safe limit," says New Zealand Food Safety deputy director-general Vincent Arbuckle. The warning extends from Cape Kidnappers, north to Mohaka River.
"Please do not gather and eat shellfish from this area because anyone doing so could get sick. Cooking the shellfish does not remove the toxin."

Symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning usually appear within 10 minutes to 3 hours of eating and may include:

  • numbness and a tingling (prickly feeling) around the mouth, face, hands, and feet
  • difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • dizziness and headache
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • paralysis and respiratory failure and, in severe cases, death.
  • Pāua, crab and crayfish may still be eaten if the gut has been completely removed prior to cooking, as toxins accumulate in the gut. If the gut is not removed, its contents could contaminate the meat during the cooking process.

New Zealand Food Safety has had no notifications of associated illness.

If anyone becomes ill after eating shellfish from an area where a public health warning has been issued, phone Healthline for advice on 0800 61 11 16, or seek medical attention immediately. You are also advised to contact your nearest public health unit and keep any leftover shellfish in case it can be tested.

"New Zealand Food Safety is monitoring shellfish in the region and will notify the public of any changes to the situation," says Mr Arbuckle.

Commercially harvested shellfish – sold in shops and supermarkets or exported – is subject to strict water and flesh monitoring programmes by New Zealand Food Safety to ensure they are safe to eat.

Map showing the area covered by the shellfish biotoxin alert in Hawke Bay between Cape Kidnappers and Mohaka River.
Map showing the area covered by the shellfish biotoxin alert in Hawke Bay between Cape Kidnappers and Mohaka River.

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