2024 NZUA 71st AGM
Another NZUA AGM done and dusted 71 this year.

New Zealand underwater Associations 71st AGM was held in Wellington. Although it was held on Matariki weekend, we still had a good turn out of members.A meet and great held on the Friday evening saw members able to catch up with old friends and new members, some who have not been to an AGM before. Stories were told and a lot of laughs and a few quiet drinks enjoyed (Thank you Allan)
Being able to chat with amazing people from the diving industry such as Dave Moran, John Gallagher, and Keith Gordon is a fantastic opportunity. I was so fortunate to be able to spend time with so many wonderful people and learn from them about Marine conservation, Underwater heritage and just how passionate these people are every one of them trying to preserve the marine environment for the future.
This years AGM venue was the Mana Cruise club in Porirua.
The evening consisted of several speakers all providing a wealth of information and sharing their amazing knowledge. Keith Gordon spoke on the Niagara and I was surprised to hear how much Gold was retrieved from the wreck and just how much heavy fuel oil is left onboard, knowing that the wreck is now breaking up I find myself asking just how long will it be before we have another disaster on our hands, how long will it be before the oil escapes and pollutes the ocean we all love so passionately, Thank you Keith for such an eye opening talk.
The 2024 Life member award went to Tristan Reynard our out going President, Tristan brought significant volunteer and sports management experience to NZU Board. He is a past president of Underwater Hockey New Zealand (UWHNZ) as well as being UWHNZ’s schools development officer. Thank you so much Tristan for all the hard work, many hours and the huge effort you have put in, you have made a huge difference to NZUA.
Thank you to all our speakers
Underwater Hockey - Andrew Harris, Spearfishing - Chris Marshall
EMR-Samara Nicholas, and of course for Explore Your Coast Wellington Nicole Miller.
Also to all our members without who we would not have an NZUA and who make it such a great event.
NZUA would also like to acknowledge the contribution by our outgoing CFO Stuart Bilbrough for his financial stewardship through a challenging financial time with restructuring NZUA operations, and also a special recognition to Andrew Berry, former NZUA Director who was pivotal with NZUA's Dive Pacific digital media and magazine, both contributed to the future success of NZUA's relevance to our membership and the wider underwater community.

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Warrick Powrie
I started scuba diving in 1988. I have always been passionate about marine conservation and underwater photography.