Legasea update 6/7/2023

July update from Legasea - Fish for the People

July 7, 2023
Legasea Update
Legasea Update

We're in the depths of winter now, but our team are hotly anticipating important fisheries decisions from Minister Rachel Brooking.

There's sufficient information available to make precautionary decisions, so stand by. Will the Minister allow bottom trawling to continue in the Hauraki Gulf? Will New Zealanders have to subsidise a new trawl fleet? And does seabed mining have a future in Taranaki? A lot of important decisions for the Government to make.
While we wait, the team is focusing their efforts in other areas, such as the Fisheries New Zealand October review of fish stocks and preparing for events over spring and summer.

Hunker down, stay tuned and remember - if you feel strongly about an issue, say so!

The Hauraki Gulf Alliance petition

We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who signed the Hauraki Gulf Alliance petition to ban bottom trawling, scallop dredging and Danish seining in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.
Last week, Hauraki Gulf Alliance representatives went to Parliament to deliver the petition to Members of Parliament.

The petition, now on the parliamentary website, asked that the House of Representatives bans all forms of mobile bottom-contact fishing including bottom trawling, scallop dredging and Danish seining within the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.

Over 36,000 people signed the petition.

Alliance representatives from LegaSea, NZ Sport Fishing Council, WWF NZ, Forest & Bird and Greenpeace unfurled a banner covering Parliament steps stating 'ban bottom trawling' before being moved on by security.

Meanwhile, we are still anticipating a decision on whether or not Minister Rachel Brooking will sign off on the Hauraki Gulf Fisheries Plan, which would allow bottom trawling, scallop dredging and Danish seining to continue in the Gulf. We will keep you updated with any outcome.

Seabed mining inquiry submission

Seabed mining is an outdated and destructive way to extract metal and minerals. Alternatives such as recycling, urban mining and bioleaching are less harmful to our seabeds.
In response to an inquiry into seabed mining in New Zealand, LegaSea collaborated with the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council, NZ Angling & Casting Association and NZ Underwater to support a ban on all seabed mining in New Zealand's Exclusive Economic Zone.

Seabed mining damages the environment beyond the zone being mined, impacting fish populations and fish availability. Millions of cubic metres of sediment plume are created in a short time, spreading far and wide, impacting the underwater environment.

Read more here

Fisheries NZ October sustainability review

Fisheries New Zealand is reviewing a number of fish stocks as part of their bi-annual process. Public consultation is currently open until 17 July, so you can have your say on various catch limit changes for trevally off the lower east coast of the North Island, South Island red gurnard, green-lipped mussels off the upper North Island's west coast, and some deeper water species.  
We are working with the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council and other organisations to give feedback on several of the proposals and will keep you updated.

Meanwhile, have your say here.

New Gold Partner - Smokai

Is there a better way to combine your outdoor hobbies than smoking a fresh catch after a long day on the water and enjoying it for dinner?
Quite possibly not in our opinion! We'd like to welcome our latest addition to the LegaSea GOLD partner network - Smokai.

Smokai are on a mission to provide Kiwis with the right tools (made right here in New Zealand), woods, resources and knowledge to produce legendary results when cold or hot smoking fish, game, or that favourite cut of meat.

They are passionate about keeping it local and offering value to the New Zealand community that loves this pastime and lifestyle.

Smokai like to work with fishers, butchers and other smoking enthusiasts that value the craft, appreciate great flavour and enjoy what they do.

And if you want to check out their website or grab a Smokai Smoke Generator for yourself then cruise on over to https://smokai.com/

Let your pizza shine

Shark week is fast approaching and we want to give you the opportunity to let your shark-related creativity shine!
Earlier this year we partnered up with Turkish Bread to create Card Sharks, collectable cards included in Turkish Bread Crispy Pizza Packs. With 24 cards to collect, this is a great way for you and your whānau to learn about our shark and ray species in New Zealand.

And now, we want to see your best shark-themed pizza to win some awesome prizes! Create a shark-themed pizza (no real shark please) using Turkish Bread pizza bases and send us a photo, with your collectable shark cards and you're in the draw.

The competition kicks off Monday the 10th of July and entries close Sunday 16th of July, with the winners drawn Monday 17th July. Check out our Facebook page to enter or email us your creation at support@legasea.co.nz if you aren't on social media!

100% Kōparepare

We want to thank everyone who bought a bottle of Kōparepare during the Kōparepare Wines 100% Commitment campaign. You helped to raise a whopping $30,291 dollars in just four days. This is a phenomenal effort and speaks well to the generosity of the people that are committed to our cause here at LegaSea (and drink great wine).
If you missed out on the campaign then no stress. They still have plenty of beautiful wine, and they generously donate a dollar to LegaSea with each bottle sold. Find Kōparepare Wines here.

Accountability Report

Click here to view the LegaSea accountability report which highlights our achievements and challenges over the last few months.
We encourage you to read the report and to share it with your friends and colleagues who are also passionate about healthy fisheries.

We believe that transparency and accountability are essential for building trust with our supporters, and we are committed to providing regular updates on our activities and progress towards our goals. If you would like to view our past accountability reports, click here.

Ngā mihi nui,
Benn and the LegaSea crew

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