LegaSea Summer photo comp

NZUA sponsoring underwater category.

December 17, 2023
The SeaLife SportDiver is a compact and lightweight underwater housing for smartphones.
The SeaLife SportDiver is a compact and lightweight underwater housing for smartphones.

LegaSea photo competition 2024

Your photo can help show everyone how wonderful our marine environment is, and how it’s important that we look after it for the generations to follow.
We want you to show us your photography skills and you could win some must-have gear from one of our generous sponsors.

A photo speaks 1000 words. As our seas and the creatures within them are continually hammered by poor environmental practices such as trawling and dredging, we need your support in showing other people the value of our oceans.
to enter your photos click link below.


The SportDiver housing will allow divers to take photos and video with their smartphone down to 40 meters.

The SportDiver can encase most Android models and all iPhones from iPhone 8 & up. The free SportDiver App is available at the App Store or Play Store, and works with the current and prior generation of the OS.

7 sections with 7 sponsors

Landscape coastal shotsTides Out Map -$400

Underwater photos
Prize sponsored by NZUA SportDiver Housing-$599

Marine life in their natural environment.
Prize sponsored by Marine Deals - Paddle board $500

Collecting and catching kaimoana
Prize sponsored by Okuma - $350

Prepping, cooking and eating kaimoana
- Fishing, collecting shellfish, diving for crays, kina and paua
Prize sponsored by IronClad - $320

Things that aint right in our oceans
- The bad stuff. Discarded nets, trawlers and purse seiners, rubbish, kina barrens
Prize sponsored by LegaSea -Merch - $300

Kids photos
- Kids 13 years and under.
Kids fishing set - PENN - $250

If you are interested in purchasing a SportDiver housing, Check out the link below


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Dive Pacific is the media arm of the New Zealand Underwater Association

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