LegaSea's fight for revival
Working together for the future of our ocean

How much do you care about our marine environment? If you’re reading Dive Pacific right now, there is a high chance your response is a big, hearty yes.
While your friend raves about their latest overseas diving trip, how great would it be if our own blue backyard was just as or even more diverse with marine life and bursting with abundance?
LegaSea is committed to restoring our coastal marine environment so we can all enjoy the fruits of more fish in the water and restored marine habitats. Established in 2012 as the public outreach of the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council, their role is to join with other committed parties to advocate for restored abundance.

Things can look very different below the surface. Our blue backyard isn’t what it used to be - scallop populations have collapsed around the country (see page 20), and the need for more holistic fisheries management and marine protection is growing as depletion creeps in: two clear signs that the Quota Management System isn’t living up to its ‘sustainability’ tag.
From Northland crayfish to Kaikōura pāua, LegaSea actively engages in government processes determining the future of our favourite species and diving spots. This includes holding the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Shane Jones accountable when making decisions on behalf of New Zealanders.
LegaSea is well known for advocating for more conservative management and a fair go for future generations. The organisation works together with the New Zealand Underwater Association environmental team Josh Barclay and Allan Davidsonm fighting the good fight for us all.
Legasea is working with Dive Pacific to keep you informed about what is happening in our marine environment and how this will impact you and your family. Make sure to keep an eye out for us in future issues.

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Dive Pacific
Dive Pacific is the media arm of the New Zealand Underwater Association