Hypoxia study - SCUBA volunteers needed
Healthy volunteers are needed for an hypoxia exposure study by the University of Auckland.

Healthy volunteers are needed to investigate the ability of divers to recognise the signs/symptoms of hypoxia and initiate self‐rescue.
During diving, especially rebreather diving, equipment failure or human error can cause oxygen levels in the breathing gas to decrease below normal levels. This is known as hypoxia. Hypoxia can impair concentration and make it difficult for a diver to rescue themselves. The purpose of this study is to test whether prior exposure to hypoxia will help divers recognize symptoms early and allow them to self‐ rescue if they encounter hypoxia in the future.
We are inviting healthy divers with at least an Open Water certification to participate in this hypoxia study. Participants will be randomly assigned to either undergo a hypoxia familiarization visit of about 2 hours in our lab at the Newmarket campus or receive a hypoxia information leaflet.
All participants will visit our lab at the Newmarket campus to undergo a simulated rebreather dive, where you will be randomized to experience hypoxia or not. You will be carefully monitored during all simulated dives, and we will collect data about your body’s response to hypoxia by monitoring your oxygen levels, brain wave activity (EEG), other physiological measures, and if you op‐in blood tests to accurately measure the oxygen content in your blood. A doctor will be present during every visit. Participating in this study will have no direct benefit to you. However, the information we collect may assist us in making diving safer for all divers in the future. Your travel costs will be compensated with a 30 NZD countdown gift voucher.
You can participate if you:
- Are 18 to 55 years old
- Possess a valid scuba diving certification (no rebreather experience is necessary)
- Medically fit for diving
You cannot participate if you:
- Smoke
- Use recreational or non‐prescribed drugs
- Drink more than 21 alcoholic drinks per week
- Drink more than 5 cups of caffeinated beverages (or their equivalent) per day
- Have a history of mental illness
- Previously participated in a hypoxia or hypercapnia study
For more information about our study, please contact the research team, August, Hanna, and Xavier at: divingresearch@auckland.ac.nz.
The investigator coordinating this study is:
Xavier Vrijdag, MSc PhD
Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Auckland. 30 Park Ave, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand
+64 21 023 04558
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