He Taonga Te Wai - World Drowning Prevention Day dawn event

Drowning Prevention Auckland are pleased to invite you to our World Drowning Prevention Day dawn service – He Taonga Te Wai on 25 July.

June 14, 2023
World Drowning Prevention Day
World Drowning Prevention Day

Supported by Te Ahiwaru Trust, the event acknowledges our close connection with water as we come together to remember the tragic loss of life and bring hope to the future.

This year we will gather close to Makaurau Marae, on the shores of Te Maanukanuka o Hoturoa, Manukau Harbour. The start and end point for many great journeys on the water, following in the waves of Te Ahiwaru’s ancestor, Hape.
Please RSVP by 5 July and help us bring to light the impact of drowning in our communities, here in Tāmaki Makaurau, across Aotearoa and loved ones overseas.

Event format:
6:45am – 7:00am – Arrival
7:00am – 8:30am – Dawn service followed by refreshments
Please join us singing Tai Aroha during the service.

Oruarangi Esplanade Reserve, Mangere
Parking is available on the road.

RSVP / Register here

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Dive Pacific is the media arm of the New Zealand Underwater Association

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