EMR Fish of the Year 2023
Vote for your favourite three fishes

Are you ready to discover some of Aotearoa's favourite ika? Experiencing Marine Reserves Fish of the Year campaign is the best place to start!
Experiencing Marine Reserves' annual Fish of the Year | Te Ika o Te Tau competition aims to raise awareness for some of the issues our awesome ika face and teach people about the incredible biodiversity in our freshwater and marine environments. Voting opened on Saturday 4th March 2023 and closes Friday 31st March 2023!
Learn, vote and donate
The Fish of Year website presents concise, informative summaries of each fish in the competition.
Once you've perused the fish in this year's competition vote for the three candidates you feel are most deserving of the crown.
Lastly consider a donation to this awesome organisation. Their work educating children from ever sector of society on the wonders of our underwater world is vital to the future of our fish.
Sandager's Wrasse
The choice of fish is yours of course but we'd like to put a plug in for the Sandager's Wrasse. It's the species Dive Pacific and the NZUA are supporting in the competition so please consider one vote of your three for the fascinating Sandager!
Vote on this link: Emr.org.nz/fish

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Dive Pacific
Dive Pacific is the media arm of the New Zealand Underwater Association