Diving Talks International Diving Show

The DIVING talks conference is scheduled for October 7 to 9, in Portugal. Top reasons to attend as follows:

September 4, 2022
Troia resort hosts October's 2022 Diving Talks conference in Portugal - image supplied
Troia resort hosts October's 2022 Diving Talks conference in Portugal - image supplied

Research in diving physiology, and hyperbaric medicine.

What do you get when you have Drs Alessandro Marroni, Óscar Camacho and Simon Mitchell in the same room? Undoubtedly an incredible amount of knowledge in research, diving physiology and hyperbaric medicine. If you are a Diver, you know the value of such a debate.

If there are topics that serious divers are really concerned about, we are sure they will be addressed in this debate. The Panel has enough time to discuss many important related issues, and we count on the attendees' participation to make it even more interesting.

Drs Alessandro Marroni, Óscar Camacho and Simon Mitchell to be the same room for discussions.
Drs Alessandro Marroni, Óscar Camacho and Simon Mitchell to be the same room for discussions.

PADI, SDI and SSI in the same room, discussing the future of teaching in diving. The debate you have been hoping to see!

Imagine having PADI, SDI and SSI in the same room to discuss the future of teaching in diving. This would be an exciting debate, wouldn't it? Knowing the divers representing these organizations in this debate – Jean-Claude Monachon, Mark Caney and Mark Powell – there's no doubt it will be an incredible event.
Jean-Claude Monachon joined SSI after climbing the stairs of a prominent diving organization and being a CEO for over 20 years, where he continued to dedicate his passion to helping SSI – Scuba Schools International to change the approach and move completely to a digital version of the programs, which certainly helped to change the approach of the diving education.

Mark Caney is the President of the European Underwater Federation, is President of the Rebreather Training Council and continues to serve in senior positions in leading diving industry bodies such as the World Recreational Scuba Training Council. He is also the chairman of PADI AWARE Foundation for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Mark is a TDI Instructor Trainer and a member of TDI's Global Training Advisor Panel. He is a regular contributor to a number of diving magazines and a regular speaker at Diving conferences around the world. Mark represents TDI on the British Diving Safety Group and the HSE Recreational Diving Industry Committee, as well as being a member of the Diver Training and Breathing Apparatus committees at the British Standards Institute.

Jean-Claude Monachon, Mark Caney and Mark Powell to discuss the future of teaching diving.
Jean-Claude Monachon, Mark Caney and Mark Powell to discuss the future of teaching diving.

All the speakers in this year's edition!

They ensure it is worth heading to Portugal for the October 7 to 9 weekend. It is the unmissable diving event of the year!

Attending the DIVING talks at the Tróia Peninsula is the way to meet the world's leading divers and some heroes: to watch their Talks and talk with them face-to-face. No webinars, no zoom conferences. You and divers like Armando Ribeiro, Bill Stone, Dália Faria, Dan Orr, Ellen Cuylaerts, Gareth Lock, Kirk Krack, Leigh Bishop, Manthos Marras, Nuno Vasco Rodrigues, Simon Mitchel, Tomasz Stachura and others.

All the speakers at Dive Talk 2022
All the speakers at Dive Talk 2022

Contacts for further details...

Arlindo SerrãoE-mail: arlindo.serrao@portugaldive.com
Mobile: +351 964643858

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