A wondrous new experience: fluoro diving
Experience an exclusive new dimension in diving and see corals in this totally new light! Fish suddenly speak and coral communicate through fluorescence.

Not only does Wakatobi have the most pristine reefs on the planet – and perhaps the only reefs on earth which are actually thriving, getting healthier, richer and more diverse each year – but now you can discover something so different and magical, that you will never see marine creatures the same way again. Taking you back to premier ocean discovery, we call it ‘FLUO-Diving’.
See marine creatures in a totally new way
Not to be confused with phosphorescence, or bio-luminescence, fluorescence is the absorption of one wavelength of light (or colour) and the re-emission of another, totally different wavelength of light (or colour). A fluorescent object under white light reveals its true colour. But under near UV light, it absorbs the blue and re-emits a fluorescent colour, transforming the blue into a brightly glowing, totally different colour.
Thus, underwater, marine animals that fluoresce have the ability to convert one colour into an entirely different colour!
Experience a recently discovered phenomenon
Dr. Charles Mazel Ph.D & leading fluorescence research scientist & inventor of fluotechnology: “The odds of you going in the water and finding something, seeing some animal fluorescing, that no-one else in the entire history of the universe has ever seen is probably over ninety percent! Anywhere in the world. Simply because so few people have done this”.
The true reason for fluorescence in corals remains unclear today, but the reason for fluorescence in more complex creatures is completely obscure. The subject of fluorescence extends all boundaries in understanding and even now remains as controversial in the science community as it is fascinating.
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Wakatobi Resort
Wakatobi is a dive resort in southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. In a tranquil island setting far from crowds and cities, with no other divers for at least 100 miles.